Sunday, February 26, 2012


I've tried the whole blogging thing before. Several times, in fact. It always lasted a few weeks, maybe a few months if I stuck it out a bit longer. I think it was because I was always at a point in my life where I didn't have much to say.

That's not really the case anymore. After a year of fundraising, God helped me raise enough support to allow me to serve as a media missionary, which I just started at the beginning of January. I'm at the beginning of a new career and a new level of reliance on God, both of which still occasionally freak me out.

I married the studliest (yes, I made up a word) man ever almost nine months ago, and I'm discovering that all sorts of adventures come from that. Learning to be "domestic." Learning to communicate with someone who apparently doesn't always think the same way I do (*shocker*). Learning to live with a boy.

To top it all off, I am also a photographer and am learning to express that side of myself in a world where everyone has a camera (or at least a cell phone). Right now I've been feeding my love of art (and of romance) by also working as a part-time wedding photographer.

So that's the 411 on what to expect in this blog. A little bit of everything, but that's how life is, right?

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